“He was marvelously helped (by God) until he was strong. But when he became strong (in himself), his
heart was so proud that he acted corruptly.” (2 Chronicles 26:15-16 NASV)
“The reign of Uzziah was, to all appearance, extremely prosperous: but his character deteriorated as
though it could not bear an unbroken succession of prosperity. His successful wars furnish proof of his genius
for empire. In all these, “he was marvelously helped.” How many can bear the same glad witness concerning
God’s dealings with them? The best preventative of pride is to recognize all blessings as coming from the great
help of God.!” (F. B. Meyer)
Uzziah (not to be confused with Uzzah) was also called Azariah (1 Chronicle 3:12). He could well have
been called ‘The Man Who Was Too Strong.’ Behind him was the inspiration of the memory of a good father,
who “did right in the sight of the LORD.” But there was an essential qualification about this eulogy― “yet not
with a whole heart.” (2 Chronicles 25:2). A divided loyalty hampered him. This eventually surfaced as a
hindering influence in his life. The role of being an example to our children is of paramount importance.
The factor that made his long reign of fifty-two years so auspicious was not his gifts or prowess, but that
“he did right in the sight of the LORD” (2 Chronicles 26:4). He leaned heavily on his spiritual adviser,
Zechariah (not the prophet of the book with that name). The latter encouraged the young and inexperienced king
to seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance in ruling his kingdom. He was undoubtedly the paramount influence
in the king’s life at that stage. Many have good reason to thank God for the wise counsel and support of mature
Christians in the early and formative years of their Christian lives.
As with his father, there was a qualification in Uzziah’s following God. “As long as Zechariah, his
religious adviser, was living, he (Uzziah) served the LORD faithfully, and God blessed Him.” (2 Chronicles
26:5, Today’s English Version). After Zechariah’s stabilizing influence was withdrawn, the backsliding that led
to Uzziah’s downfall set in.
God’s blessing on the young king included the gift of uncommon wisdom in guiding the destiny of his
realm. He had come to the throne at a critical time, but "as long as he sought the LORD, God prospered him" (2
Chronicles 26:5). The outstanding characteristic of Uzziah’s reign was its success and prosperity. But the secret
lay elsewhere. It came from the help he received from God. The key to his success is summed up in eight
words: “He was marvelously helped until he was strong.” (2 Chronicles 26:15).
Few can carry a full cup with a steady hand. Scripture declares, “Pride goeth before destruction, And a
haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18). Note the line-up of the parade―Pride followed by destruction;
then haughtiness followed by a fall. Uzziah became obsessed with his own greatness and intoxicated with his
success. Pride caused the downfall of Lucifer, the essence of whose sin was trying to establish a kingdom of his
own independently of God. Theophylact termed pride the citadel and summit of all evil. There is no sin more
hateful and abhorrent to Him. Pride reduced the mighty Nebuchadnezzar to the level of the beasts. It was pride
that turned the prosperous Uzziah into a loathsome leper.
Nothing so tends to inflate a man with the sense of his importance as does the possession of power and authority
or achievement. And nothing disqualifies one from usefulness more completely than spiritual pride. While he was
enraged with the priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead. Now he was utterly cut off from the house of God.
He could not even go in as a worshiper.
Without Him, I could do nothing. Without Him, I’d surely fail.
Without Him, I would be drifting, Like a ship without a sail.
Francis Mason
Pastor Mason