Many stimulating messages of faith and hope have been written since the world emerged, shaken and bewildered, from the devastating upheaval of war … World War II, the Korean conflict, followed by Vietnam. Hardly had the flames of these fires been extinguished (after a fashion) when suddenly soldiers were fighting in the deserts of the Taliban. And, among the weapons stockpiled by many nations were those bearing the symbol of radio-active power―these were nuclear weapons.
Nagasaki and Hiroshima have the best memory of such power as it was unleashed upon them with the most unimaginable force leaving in its wake the raw exposed burned-out framework of death and destruction.
David E. Lilienthal, one of the then best-informed men on the potentialities of nuclear power, left a message that has had unusual influence:
“This I Do Believe” was his answer to all the gloomy, long-faced prophets of doom who predicted a terrifying future and the end of civilization. To them he said: “Civilization will survive and will flourish … the future will be better than ever … we stand at the gateway of vast new developments, widening horizons.”
To the anxious youth infected with the virus of defeatism and despair, he said: “Enormous technological progress is on the way … opportunities for individual achievement will be greater than ever; an era of challenging promise lies ahead.”
And to those who dread nuclear war, who live in terror of nuclear attack, he said: “Nuclear energy can be a greater force for good than for evil … we have the knowledge and the power to mold the very face of things … what we need is the will and the faith. Faith,” says Lilienthal, who had been close to the development of nuclear energy and who knew better than most what its potential hazards were― “faith is greater than any bomb! Faith is the most potent weapon ever devised. Faith in action is the wellspring of any nation’s great strength. Faith is the source of your power and achievement. Do not lose faith in mankind, and in the purposes of our Creator. Do not lose faith in the future.” I say Amen! God is still Lord over all!
No one can see, even in outline, the shape of things to come. History has been stepped up incredibly and is now exceeding the speed limit. Still, it is my belief, despite the chaos of the hour, that we are entering the greatest era in the story of man. We are seeing changes such as man has never seen. But my excitement is not based on the development of new technology; rather, I am excited to see Biblical prophetic events coming to pass before our eyes. We are the ones seeing God do a new thing! I believe we are living in the days of His coming!
If we have the courage to lift our eyes above the agony of the moment, we can see the victory He has already won for us. This victory was not fought on land by troops of soldiers heavily armed with unspeakable weaponry; it was not fought on the seas, nor in the air with airplanes, rockets, and bombs. It was fought in the realm of the spirit. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;” (2 Corinthians 10:4). “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation (suffering, trouble, hardship): but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Francis Mason Pastor Mason